Rue des rosiers : how well do you know it ?


Since the 1960’s, the Jewish historical area of Paris in the Marais,and it’s very symbolic street, the rue des Rosiers, are part of the Malraux Law, to protect the historical areas.

The protection of the Marais was the first in an international movement in the 1960s to protect and promote historic districts.
A protected sector is an urban area subject to specific regulations due to its “historical, aesthetic, or other charaacter that warrants conserving,
restoring, and promoting all or part of a group of
real estate, developed or not” (Law of 4th August
1962, known as the “Malraux Law”)

Since then, the rue des Rosiers has changed. But even though some of the old and authentic Jewish shops have closed, as you can see on the pictures, the facades of the buildings are today protected by the Malraux Law.
These cute Jewish scenes painted on the front of the shop should remain as a beautiful testimony of the history of the street.

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download here : the_marais_and_its_legacy.pdf



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