Group Tour Jewish Paris Marais by Flora Goldenberg

This is the right page to ask to join the Group Tour of the Jewish Quarter Paris le Marais by Flora Goldenberg.

All tours can be organized through me, by email or by WhatsApp – contact page.

Below you will find the possible dates for the visitors who want to share the experience with other visitors in a Small Group Tour of the Jewish Quarter le Marais Paris.

For a completely private tour : please check

Rules for the Group tours of the Jewish Paris with Flora Goldenberg

  • Each group will not exceed 9/10 persons to keep the quality of the tour.
  • Quality : I do not do big groups because we visit at least one synagogue and we can not access if we are too many people on the tour. It is better to keep the groups smaller. We try to avoid the audiphones as well. With us, you can visit the Shoah Memorial because the guide is accredited by the Memorial. You will walk with experienced certified guides, holding master degrees in History, Art History. During our tour, we will try to move a lot and see the most of Jewish Paris without sitting too much and listening to endless tiring speeches about personal opinions or History.
  • The minimum number of people on a group tour is 5 people : If you are the first to ask for the grouped tour, I will bookmark your date(s) on this page and wait for other participants to request.
  • Even when you share the tour with other visitors, it will be the same itinerary as the classic Jewish walking tour in Paris.
  • Feel free to talk with me, to ask me questions, or even exchange thoughts with the other visitors in your group during or after the tour.

How to join the Grouped Jewish tour of Paris Le Marais :

  1. Ask me by email or via the form to bookmark your date – Calendar is here below on this page.
  2. We will wait for the other visitors to ask to join  : you can ask to join another family with the same children ages, or ask to join a couple, or people with the same interests, on the same dates.
  3. We confirm the tour when we have at least 4 or 5 people.
  4. I will send you a link to book the tour.
  5. You will get a reminder with all the meeting details
  6. On the day of the tour : Your tour guide will come to start the tour at the meeting point in the Jewish Area of Paris.

Can I customize a Grouped tour ?

You can ask the tour guide to customize the tour with the OK of other participants: Sometimes, I am asked to speak more about the Shoah in France, or less about the Shoah, to speak more about WWII, to add more tastings, to make it more kid friendly … We will search for visitors with the same interests. You can ask to enjoy the tour at your own pace… but this is a group tour, we will follow the classic route for everyone as we are sharing the experience with other visitors. 

If you need a private tour, please go to my contact page.

What is the difference between the Private Jewish walking tour of Paris and the grouped tour ? 

In the private tour, you can customize everything with your needs and interests : you can add spots and synagogues, you can skip stops, have Kosher tastings or gourmet breaks, lengthen or shorten the duration, ask for a unique experience or your favorite subject to focus on, ask to customize it for kids or teenagers, add the Jewish Louvre Tour at the end … 

In the grouped tour, we will do the same circuit. You will have the chance to meet other travelers like you and reduce the costs. During the grouped tour, visitors talk and discuss, they often finish the tour all together to have a small talk in the coffee place or the restaurant.

At the end of the tour, I am happy to organize such meetings !

Bookmarked Dates for my Jewish Paris

Group Tour Calendar

Pending : Awaiting for other participants to be confirmed (Orange)

Confirmed : The group is not full. It is confirmed to happen. You can still join. (Green)

Full : The group tour is full. We can not accept any more participants. You can ask to open a new group tour. (Green)

Check the dates to join the grouped tour of the Jewish Paris area 

July 30th, pending 

Rachel R.  & Eliane V

Jay M. R. + 1

Avie & Eli S.

August 2nd, Pending

Antony M. + Debbie

Debbie K. + 5

August 3 through late morning/early afternoon of August 5, Pending

Uri P. + daughter Maya (9 years old)

Wednesday 14th August 2024, 9.30am-12.30pm, Confirmed 

Tamar A. + 3

August 19th afternoon, Pending 

Robert and Martha F.

Tuesday 20th August 2024,9.30am-12.30pm, Confirmed  

Julie L. + Rob S.

Inna S. family of 4

Fred G. + 1

Lisa S. + 2

Wednesday 21st August , 9am-12Pm, Confirmed

Jerry and Laurie K.

Judith M.

Lisa S. + husband and 20 years old daughter

Amy L. S. + 3

August 24th, Pending

Kayla & Alex S.

Monday 26th August 2024, 9.30am-12.30pm, Confirmed 

Shelli H.

Gayle M. + 1 

Dorothy B. + 1


Tuesday 27th August 2024, 11am-2pm, Confirmed 
Dena T. + husband + Steve and Judy K.

Cynthia W. + Scott

GRAND SYNAGOGUE Tour, September 6th , 10.30am-12pm, Pending 

Ludovic B. 2 pax

September 2nd, 3rd, 4th, Pending

Adriana and Eric W.

Ghislane R. (September 3rd)

Robin & Larry W (September 4th)

Thursday 5th September 2024, 9.30am-12.30pm, Confirmed , FULL 

Roger M. + wife

Heidi R. + Stacy C.

Robert C . + 6

September 8th, Pending

Norma and Steven D.

Wayne S. + Lila S

Monday 9th September 2024, 9.30am-12.30pm, Confirmed 

DAnielle D.

William R. + 2

September 13th, Pending

Ellen and Jeffrey J

Rana A.

September 16th or 27th or 28th or 29th 2024, Pending 

Monday 16th September 2024, 9.30am-12.30pm, Confirmed 

Glenna G.

Lisa E. + Joel  

Julie H. 

Edward F. + 1

Marsha M. + husband

Rita S. + husband

Septembre 17th, Pending 

Dina H. + husband

Leah M. + Herb

September 18th, Pending 

Lester P. + wife (or 17th)

Rita S. + husband (or the 19th)

September 20th, Pending

Eleanor L. + 1 (19th or 20th)

David B. + 1

Monday 23rd September 2024, 9.30am-12.30pm, Confirmed

Kimberly S.  + husband

Ephry M. + wife

Dina H. + husband

September 24th afternoon, Pending

Margie W.

September 30th, Pending

Emily V. +husband

October 7th or 8th, Pending

Danielle W.

October 13th (PM), 14th or 15th, Pending 

Phyllis G.

Oct 20,  Oct 22, or  Oct 23, Pending

Sabra W. + 1

Deb + Eric B. (24th)

Joel S. + Toba W. (20th or 22nd)

October 27th, Pending

Eric B. + Deb

GRAND SYNAGOGUE TOUR, October 29th, 10.30am-12pm, Pending 

Kenneth L.

December 2nd or 3rd, Pending 

Shayna C.

GRAND SYNAGOGUE TOUR, Friday 17th January 2025, 10.30am-12pm, Confirmed

Bonnie N. + 3 

April 2nd 2025, Pending

Mr Sam &. Mrs Esther P.

GRAND SYNAGOGUE TOUR, June 6th 2025, 10.30am-12pm, COnfirmed 

Steven M. group of 6




Send me an email on to join a tour above or open a new grouped tour.

I update this page every night, so if you see something not up to date, please contact me to rectify it. Thank you !

Jewish Walking Tours  Marais Paris – Flora Goldenberg – Certified Tour Guide by the State

Email :

Whatsapp Phone for client support or emergencies only +33787082577